Note: This table is automatically generated from the ART resource file. You are kindly invited to provide feedback to improve it.

Keyboard Shortcuts in ART

Where Shortcut Action
Anywhere m Show/hide all side panels.
Anywhere Ctrl-F4 Editor.
Anywhere Ctrl-F2 File browser.
Anywhere Ctrl-F3 Processing queue.
Editor Alt-s Create new snapshot
Editor Shift-F4 Navigate to the next image relative to image opened in the Editor.
Editor F4 To navigate to the next image relative to the currently selected thumbnail in the File Browser or Filmstrip:
Editor Shift-F3 Navigate to the previous image relative to image opened in the Editor.
Editor F3 To navigate to the previous image relative to the currently selected thumbnail in the File Browser or Filmstrip:
Editor x Synchronize the File Browser or Filmstrip with the Editor to reveal the thumbnail of the currently opened image, and clear any active filters.
Editor y As above, but without clearing active filters:(Note that the thumbnail of the opened image will not be shown if filtered out).
Editor Ctrl-b (Ctrl-Shift-b for fast export) Put current image to processing queue (Ctrl-click for fast export).
Editor Ctrl-s (Ctrl-Shift-s for fast export) Save current image (Ctrl-click for fast export.)
Editor Ctrl-e Edit current image in external editor.
Editor Alt-w Switch to Advanced tab
Editor Alt-c Switch to Color tab
Editor Alt-d Switch to Detail tab
Editor Alt-f Switch to Effects tab
Editor Alt-e Switch to Exposure tab
Editor Alt-u Switch to Favorites tab
Editor Alt-x Switch to Local tab
Editor Alt-m Switch to Metadata tab
Editor Alt-r Switch to Raw tab
Editor Alt-t Switch to Transform tab
Editor 9 Background color of the preview: theme-based
Editor 9 Background color of the preview: black
Editor 9 Background color of the preview: white
Editor 9 Background color of the preview: middle grey
Editor Shift-e Toggle exposure indication using false color. Key (IRE range): %1
Editor l Show/Hide the left panel (including the history).
Editor > Clipped highlight indication.
Editor < Clipped shadow indication.
Editor Shift-b Preview the blue channel.
Editor Shift-f Preview the focus mask. More accurate on images with shallow depth of field, low noise and at higher zoom levels Zoom out to 10-30% to improve detection accuracy on noisy images
Editor Shift-g Preview the green channel.
Editor Shift-v Preview the luminosity. 0299R + 0587G + 0114*B
Editor Shift-r Preview the red channel.
Editor Shift-o Preview the sharpening contrast mask. Only works when sharpening is enabled and zoom >= 100%
Editor Ctrl-M Show/Hide local editing mask. Tool panel must have focus
Editor Shift-i Quick info on the image.
Editor l Show/Hide the left panel.
Editor Ctrl-l Show/Hide the right panel.
Editor Shift-l Show/Hide the top panel.
Editor Shift-a Toggle the Before/After view.
Editor Shift-c Crop selection. Move the crop using Shift+mouse drag Resize the crop using Ctrl+mouse drag
Editor h Hand tool.
Editor Shift-s Straighten / fine rotation. Indicate the vertical or horizontal by drawing a guide line over the image preview Angle of rotation will be shown next to the guide line Center of rotation is the geometrical center of the image
Editor Shift-w Spot white balance.
Editor [ - Multiple Editor Tabs Mode,Rotate left.
Editor Alt-[ - Single Editor Tab Mode. Rotate left.
Editor ] - Multiple Editor Tabs Mode,Rotate right.
Editor Alt-] - Single Editor Tab Mode. Rotate right.
Editor z Zoom to 100%
Editor f Fit crop to screen
Editor f Fit whole image to screen
Editor + Zoom In
Editor - Zoom Out
Editor F1 Show the tool shortcuts help.
File Browser F5 Refresh the list of thumbnails.
File Browser Ctrl-f - focus the Find box,Type filenames to search for. Supports partial filenames. Separate the search terms using commas, e.g. 1001,1004,1199 Exclude search terms by prefixing them with != e.g. !=1001,1004,1199
File Browser Enter - search,Type filenames to search for. Supports partial filenames. Separate the search terms using commas, e.g. 1001,1004,1199 Exclude search terms by prefixing them with != e.g. !=1001,1004,1199
File Browser Esc - clear the Find box,Type filenames to search for. Supports partial filenames. Separate the search terms using commas, e.g. 1001,1004,1199 Exclude search terms by prefixing them with != e.g. !=1001,1004,1199
File Browser Shift-Esc - defocus the Find box. Type filenames to search for. Supports partial filenames. Separate the search terms using commas, e.g. 1001,1004,1199 Exclude search terms by prefixing them with != e.g. !=1001,1004,1199
File Browser Shift-1 Rank 1 *
File Browser Shift-2 Rank 2 *
File Browser Shift-3 Rank 3 *
File Browser Shift-4 Rank 4 *
File Browser Shift-5 Rank 5 *
File Browser Alt-1 Show images labeled Red.
File Browser Alt-2 Show images labeled Yellow.
File Browser Alt-3 Show images labeled Green.
File Browser Alt-4 Show images labeled Blue.
File Browser Alt-5 Show images labeled Purple.
File Browser d Clear all filters.
File Browser 7 Show edited images.
File Browser 6 Show not edited images.
File Browser i - Multiple Editor Tabs Mode,Show Exif info.
File Browser Alt-i - Single Editor Tab Mode. Show Exif info.
File Browser 1 Show images ranked as 1-star.
File Browser 2 Show images ranked as 2-star.
File Browser 3 Show images ranked as 3-star.
File Browser 4 Show images ranked as 4-star.
File Browser 5 Show images ranked as 5-star.
File Browser Alt-7 Show saved images.
File Browser Alt-6 Show unsaved images.
File Browser Ctrl-t Show contents of trash.
File Browser Alt-0 Show images without a color label.
File Browser 0 Show unranked images.
File Browser Shift-0 Unrank.
File Browser + - Multiple Editor Tabs Mode,Increase thumbnail size.
File Browser Alt-+ - Single Editor Tab Mode. Increase thumbnail size.
File Browser - - Multiple Editor Tabs Mode,Decrease thumbnail size.
File Browser Alt-- - Single Editor Tab Mode. Decrease thumbnail size.
File Browser Ctrl-i Activate the inspector.
Inspect i Quick info.
Inspect j Embedded preview image.
Inspect r Fast raw rendering with a linear tone curve.
Inspect f Fast raw rendering with a film-like tone curve.
Inspect w Raw clipped pixels.
Inspect s Fast raw rendering with a shadow boosting tone curve.
Inspect y Split view.
Inspect x Fit to window.
Inspect z Zoom to 100%.
Queue Ctrl+s Start or stop processing the images in the queue.
Save As Dialog Ctrl-Enter Save File