Source code


3rd-party binaries

(nightly builds and/or optimized builds for specific architectures)

  • Optimized Windows binaries: Google drive link.
  • Packages for openSUSE:
    • Tumbleweed: the package is part of the main repo-oss repository, so it can be easily installed with sudo zypper in ART
    • Leap 15.x: the package resides in the graphics OBS repository, so to install it a few extra steps are needed. First you need to install opi, the OBS package manager, with sudo zypper in opi, and then you can install ART sudo opi ART. Please report any installation/runtime bug here.
  • Packages for ArchLinux and derivates (via AUR) are available here.
  • Notarized macOS builds are provided by Richard Barber on iCloud.